Welcome all who love stories--parents in your childbearing year, birth story students, and mentors worldwide. The best place to form our story circle is online, although I'd prefer to ladle soup into your bowl and sit around a fire. Let's make the best of it. Make soup, pour a glass of wine if you like, and light a candle.
After I tell the Great Story, you'll consider how the hints and insights it offered you. We'll discover the hidden meaning in the archetypes, symbols, and patterns of alchemy and initiation.
We could spend longer, but count on an hour-and-a-half to two hours.

Great Stories & Soup
Hi Story Lovers and Friends!
I wish we could share our soup in the same room, but cook up a good soup to hear stories by and we'll have a nice time together! We all take something for our lives from a Great Story, but also, in our work, we can bring these stories to others who need the hidden Medicine.
See you soon,

"Speaking of the history of stories
and fairy-stories, we may say
that the Pot of Soup, the Cauldron of Story,
has always been boiling,
and to it we have added new bits..
If we speak of the cauldron,
we must speak of the Cooks..."
Nov 15, 2024 HEAR TWO STORIES:
Learn about the Centering archetype, and the alchemical power of transformation, through an abridged telling of St. Mawr
DH Lawrence is a masterful storyteller-author. St. Mawr, a wild bay stallion, is an archetypal image. Upon meeting St. Mawr, a power stirs in Lou Witt, a young woman, activating the Centering archetype and leading her on a journey to self-knowing. The symbols and map of alchemical psychological transformation come alive in the story of St. Mawr. Cook up some soup and come find new meaning in a moment in your life, learn about new archetypes, and see the map of psychological alchemy in your storytellers.
A classic Greek myth about the stages of -- and the purpose of -- Initiation: coming face to face with the unseen part of ourselves. A great story told through symbols will hold personal meaning for every listener.
November 15. 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM PST
$30.00 or any Donation you can make