the Wild Divine WEAVING
of Life & Birth Stories
An introduction to the philosophical tenets of Birth Story Medicine®

Tuesday, December 3, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm PST
or... Tuesday, January 7, 2:00 to 5:00 pm PST

This workshop is designed for anyone--whether new to or experienced birth story listening--who wishes to enrich their sessions.
You don't have to be enrolled in our Birth Story School, however The Weaving Workshop is a pre-requisite to the “OPEN YOUR EAR Course and Apprenticeship” which begins in January, 2025).
The focus of The Weaving of Stories workshop is learning a philosophy of listening through ten philosophical principles birth stories. You will be amazed by the unique patterns and weaves in each new birth story, as well as the areas may need repair. No two storytellers can create the same pattern in their stories; it is truly impossible! By understanding how to listen and where to look, you will be able to guide storytellers in reworking the patterns in their narratives.
Venmo @birthstorymedicine-1
When faced with a complex birth story, it can feel
as overwhelming as a tangled ball of yarn. In this
workshop we will untangle that yarn, examine the
fabric of the birth story, and guide you on how to
approach each session from a philosophical perspective.
Our philosophy of listening allows the Birth Story Medicine® Process to be consistently uplifting, insightful, and precise in uncovering the essence of the story.
After spending just three hours in the Wild, Divine Weaving Workshop, you will discover insights in a birth story that you may have never noticed before even though they were likely always present!