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Facing... Riding... Becoming One with your Tiger

birth tiger safari

Worry is the Work of Pregnancy. When facing uncertainty and the unknown, (even when part of you trusts the process of birth) it's natural to be uneasy, a little nervous, or to look for a way out or around the things you hope won't happen.

Worry is the Work of Pregnancy.

Even when part of you trusts the process of birth,

it's normal to have doubts and feel uneasy when facing

uncertainty, the unknown, and the unknowable.

Childbirth is synonymous with uncertainty.


Preparation for a rite of passage or Initiation through birth

is to take a Guided Birth Tiger Safari,

to look into the thing you are hoping won't happen

and to change the way you are looking at it

(before you are in Laborland).


Awaken your Inner Huntress.

In the Unknowns of life and rites of passage,

we are either the prey or the predator.

Instead of the Tiger stalking you, learn to track the Tiger in your mind.


Birth-Related Professionals:

Learn to Guide a
for Parents 

10 hours of Instruction and Mentoring
April 26 & 27, 2025
11:00 am 2:00 pm PST
Practice leading a session, get personal feedback, then return on

May 17, 11:00 to 3:00 pm PST 




Class Limited to 6

because personal mentoring takes time.


 Pregnant Parents:
Don't bring your "Tiger" to labor!

Taking a private 
Birth Tiger Safari with Pam

is an essential part of

inner-preparation for childbirth.

Book your appointment today

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