About Your Birth Story Sessions
Each time we cross invisible, unexpected personal thresholds throughout the childbearing year, we enter unknown territory. Because birth is a rite of passage, at least one surprising moment leaves you feeling shocked, confused, betrayed, ashamed, or powerless. This unsettling, unwished-for-turning moment is an inevitable part of soulful initiation. If what you believed or expected, or who you thought you would be in labor, was not realized, you may ask yourself: Who Am I? or How did this happen to me? Your Birth Story Medicine® session will bring insight, resolution, and healing.
You will be amazed at what can change in just one uplifting
Birth Story Medicine session.
A Vital Task of True Prenatal Preparation:
Transforming a belief or a story I am bringing to my birth
Your time to be genuinely seen and heard:
Honor your inner experience and your stories of birth