at The Birth Story School with Pam England
May to August, 2024
16 Weeks to Fill Your Birth Story Medicine Cabinet
Weekly live-Zoom Instruction, Videos, Reading, Research, Demonstration, Return-demonstration, personal mentoring sessions
An Overview
PRACTICE MAKES THE MASTER. To truly understand and embody this Work, an Apprentice must do more than just take notes in class. She must first experience the Process herself in a session with Pam or Nicole, then recruit volunteer storytellers to lead weekly birth story sessions. While theories and techniques are exciting to learn about, real Learning comes when the student dares to wobble or fail by trying new things in class and while leading live sessions. Birth story transformation requires intelligence, intuition, focus, and creativity.
Leading sessions is the centerpiece of this apprenticeship, and it's a commitment that each apprentice must honor. Apprentices agree to lead twelve sessions (or more) with classmates and volunteer storytellers. By agreeing to lead twelve sessions (or more) with classmates and volunteer storytellers , apprentices are not just learning, but also demonstrating their dedication to the craft of birth story listening and transformation.
Each week, our coterie of apprentices gather to listen to and learn from various sessions, either parts of or complete sessions led by other students or birth story listeners. The volume and variety in sessions, styles, and choice of "medicine" accelerate the growth of birth story apprentices.
Each apprentice has six personal mentoring sessions with Pam for personal and professional growth.
Other learnings are too many to mention, but here are a few of the skills you will cultivate by the end of this course. You will be able to:
Lead sessions maintaining focused attention
Remember that everything is a story and that stories are alive and evolving
Recognize when the storyteller is motivated and receptive to change work
Include myths, fairytales, symbols, and metaphors
Offer custom-designed practices or personal rituals as homework
Trust and tap into your vast unconscious pool of imagination instead of overthinking or becoming habitual
Identify and utilize archetypes, Story Gates, and limiting beliefs
Know when a session calls for inner work, artwork, or information
Distinguish between authentic empathic acknowledgment and cheerleading.
You successfully completed Open Your Ear and are invited to be an Apprentice.
Only six students are accepted to allow for a genuine mentoring relationship and to ensure successful mastery of this fantastic Process and Work.​
You must be able to reserve at least four to five hours weekly for reading, study, homework, and practice sessions with volunteer birth storytellers and show up prepared to fully participate in a weekly three-hour consultation call (on Zoom).
Having your birth story work and call outfor storytellers started on social media and you have a website--even a simple page describing your birth story work,
Cancellation & Refund
If you withdraw from the Apprenticeship 14 days or more before the course begins, you will be refunded the tuition minus a $200 admin and application fee.
If you withdraw your place in the class less than 14 days, you may receive 50% refund of your tuition. Once the class begins, there are no refunds or transfer of tuition to another course if, for any reason, you decide to drop out as class size is limited.